Speaker Signup

Are you a solution provider or industry leader and want to join the Association of Payment Professionals (formerly MAC) in our mission to educate the payments industry on risk and compliance matters? Do you have someone on your team that needs a nudge to get on stage and use their voice? Do you have a best practice or case study that you want to share with your industry peers? Then sign up and become part of something awesome. APP has opened the speaking submission window for its events in the upcoming year.

If your answer is yes, then now is the time to submit your speaker proposal for APP's webinars and events. 

Upcoming Events

  • Monthly Webinar Series:
    • On-going with openings starting January 2025.

  • Level Up 24 (annual conference)
    • The deadline for submissions is October 31st. 
    • Event is March 3-5 in Las Vegas.
  • Regional Events
    • All Regional agendas have been filled for 2024.

Submission Links

Click here to submit your session proposal. 

Submit a Proposal

Do you want to be added to the speaker pool but don't want to submit a full proposal? Join the speaker pool and let us know what we can ask you as we build future sessions.

Join the Speaker Pool

We seek proposals from diverse organizations and individual experts across the payments and fintech industries, academia, government, and law enforcement.  Please submit a proposal (click here) if you specialize in risk mitigation, compliance, AML, fraud prevention, legal reviews, or have awesomeness to share that could be in scope for our members.

Requested Topics

We accept all submitted topics. However, sometimes our volunteers identify a gap in the curriculum and seek a speaker on a specific item. The list below is items that APP is actively building for future sessions. 

Six Areas of APP Educational Curriculum:

When APP builds an agenda, we strive to cover these six areas. We actively build sessions to cover gaps and consider any submission that covers one of these six: 

  • Risk
  • Compliance
  • Underwriting/KYC
  • Security/PCI
  • Regulatory/Government Relations/Legal
  • Chargebacks/Disputes

Open Specific Calls:  

We accept all submitted topics
. However, sometimes our volunteers identify a gap in the curriculum and seek a speaker on a specific item. The list below is items that APP is actively building for future sessions. 

  • Impacts of AI
  • Cash Apps
  • Digital Wallets
  • Tokenization & Risk
  • Payment Facilitator pain points
  • High-Risk Portfolio Strategies
  • Bias in Automated Onboarding
  • Small ISOs Challenges
  • FinTech topics
  • Case Studies - i.e how we're able to change our portfolio
  • Fraud trends - Pig Butchering, EBT, etc.
  • High-Risk Merchant Servicing - Such as Travel, Subscription, Supplements, or Ticketing.
  • Enterprise Merchant Perspectives

If you have a topic you'd like us to cover but don't wish to be on stage you can send us an email at education@paymentpros.org

Past Agendas and Sessions

To get a true sense of the type of sessions APP is looking for, it helps to look at the sessions we have hosted in the past. Here are some samples from past years: 

Annual Conferences: 

Level Up 24
Level Up 23
Level Up 22
Level Up 21
Level Up 20 & Tech Day
Level Up 19 & Tech Day
Level Up 18

Regional Conferences:

2019 Regional
2018 Regional
2017 Regional

Virtual Tech Days:
2021 Tech Days